DISC profile in business communication For Researcher : Essam Abdalluh
The DISC Personality Profile is based on the work of renowned psychologist Dr. William Moulton Marston, and was introduced in his 1928 book “Emotions of Normal People” . William Marston, a contemporary of Carl Jung, developed the DISC Personality Profile after studying the personality traits, behavioral patterns, and instinctual reactions of thousands of individuals. As a result of his work, Marston developed the DISC assessment as a tool to measure four primary behavioral traits:
تمت مناقشة الرسالة العلمية بقاعة مؤتمرات كلية طب القصرالعيني بجامعة القاهرة من قِبَل لجنة المناقشة :
د . محمد الجندى أستاذ وخبير أمن المعلومات
د . محمد خليفة أستاذ وخبير أمن المعلومات
د. أشرف عبد الكريم استاذ وخبير نظم المعلومات